signing up for the #pondathon!

hello everyone, it’s been a while since i last posted. before i begin the post, here’s a short life update – i’m done with exams, and finally have gotten all of my papers back 😀 i did pretty well in most of them and some of my teachers even took me aside to tell me they were proud of how much i’ve improved academically. overall i’m really pleased with my progress and i’m so happy my effort paid off.

to celebrate, i’ll be rewarding myself by joining a readathon! i’m a huge fan of readathons, because they give me the opportunity to interact with other participants, and motivate me to read more.

Continue reading “signing up for the #pondathon!”

my #arcaugust 2019 reading list

i just spent a week reading nonstop, and finished seven books in seven days. i feel exhausted (in a good way), and at the same time, amazing. that is exactly why i have decided to sign up for another reading challenge, held once every year in august – arc (you guessed it) august.

Continue reading “my #arcaugust 2019 reading list”